Sap Buckets on Maple Tree Townshend, VTTown Treasurer and Tax Collector: Elaine Hill
PO BOX 223
2006 ROUTE 30
PHONE: 802-365-7300 Extension 2
FAX: 802-365-7309

Townshend, VT Treasurer Email

Elected Official. Currently the term is for one year so it expires as of Town Meeting Day in any given year. If the Treasurer should resign or pass away during their term, the Select Board may either appoint someone to fill the remainder of the term or call a Special Town Meeting for the purpose of electing a new individual to fill the remainder of the term.

The tax collector is an appointed position and is currently the Townshend Treasurer. The Treasure/Tax Collector need not be there to accept your tax payment. You may pay your property taxes at any time the town office doors are open which is 9 AM until 4 PM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (except holidays). The town office is also open and available until 6 PM the second and fourth Tuesdays of a given month (Select Board meeting days.)

The Treasurer's office is in the Townshend Town Hall and the office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 10 AM until 2 PM, give or take. The office is closed on a variety of holidays. 

 From the Vermont League of Cities and Towns Municipal Treasurer’s Handbook: Quoting,  “The town treasurer plays a vital role in Vermont municipal government. The town treasurer is a key player in keeping the town’s  financial accounts, investing town money, keeping a record of the taxes voted and paying the bills when orders to do so are properly submitted. An equally important role is the largely unwritten one of interacting with other town officials to insure that the town finances run smoothly.......... Put simply, the town treasurer handles the finances and keeps the accounts for the municipality.”

Details about tax rates, due dates, late payment penalties, and other information is available on the Fast Facts page.

The tax bill you received is the only one you will receive for the entire fiscal year. Be sure to keep a copy for income tax purposes. Additional copies will cost $1 each.

Mail tax payments to PO Box 223, Townshend, VT 05353
Put your parcel ID# on the check and be sure to include the payment stub(s) for the appropriate time period(s) with the check.
Send a copy of the tax bill to your mortgage company if your taxes are escrowed.
Postmarks are accepted.
For a receipt, unless you pay in person, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. If you are paying in person, please bring the tax bill with you.
Notify the Town of Townshend immediately if you change your address.
Campers: If you sell or move, please notify the Town of Townshend immediately.

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Photo courtesy Steven Meyer